Make Your PC Restart Automatically After a Power Outage


Getting your PC to restart automatically after a power outage involves getting the computer to "see" the power returning by making some changes to the PC's BIOS settings and installing the UPS-included software. Here's how to go about it.

Verify the PC Is Capable:-

Step 1: Open your computer's BIOS settings menu. Do this by restarting the computer and observing the first flash-screen that appears. This will be the black screen with white text that shows before Windows loads -- assuming you're using Microsoft's operating system.
Look for the Setup function key description. It will be "Setup F2" or F12. Restart the computer and at the same time press the appropriate function key. Tap the key repeatedly during this initial startup period and the BIOS Settings menu will appear.

Step 2: Look for the Power Settings menu item within the BIOS and change the AC Power Recovery, or similar, setting to "On." You are looking for a power-based setting that affirms that the PC will power on when power becomes available.
Some older PCs don't have this setting and so aren't capable.

Step 3: Save the configuration and reboot the computer.

Make the Hardware Connections

Step 1: Plug the PC and monitor into available controlled AC outlets on the UPS.

Step 2: Connect the included USB cable between UPS and PC. It's used for communications.

Tip: Don't use a powered USB hub between UPS and PC, or the lack of power during an outage will cause communications to fail.

Step 3: Plug the UPS into the wall power supply and allow it to charge. 

Install and Configure the UPS Software

Step 1: Install the Power-chute or similar software.

Step 2: Navigate to the Energy Management tab or similar within the Configuration setting.

Step 3: Check the Enable Energy Management check-box and choose the Default settings in Power-chute. Look for any "Turn On Again" settings in any other power management software and check as appropriate.

Now smile, because your computer will gracefully shut down during a power outage and start up again when power is restored.

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