Lots of people have problems while downloading from websites like FileIce,ShareCash, Uploadee or others survey sites! These sites are Pay Per Download website, people make money by sharing their files. Once visitor complete the Fileice survey he will get paid from $0.10 up to $20.00 really depends on the country and on the offer. There's a lot of free surveys and there's a lot of paid surveys.
Once you complete that offer you'll get your file, mostly it will be some fake file. Some files are password protected. You will require to complete one more survey to get your password to unlock your file. And at the end you'll get fake file. So not entering your personal details like phone number, address, email-id etc because you wont get your file, you'll get scammed.
Most of the free surveys require you to enter your personal information like Name, Country, Street, Phone No. etc, there's some surveys that require you to download some software like Media player, Auto-Design your presentation or customize your Facebook page software etc, once you install a lot of ads will popup everywhere on your window.
If you still want to download such files, I'll explain you how to bypass this survey and get your file for free, even if you don't have surveys available for your country or they are expensive.
Steps for bypass fileice survey:
1. Download Hide My IP, Hotspotshield or Security-Kiss for changing your IP address. You can also use other IP hiding software's.
2. Once you have downloaded the software install it and then change your IP to US IP.
3. Now go to the file that you want to download and click on Regular download.
4. There will be few US Surveys that will popup, most of them are free.
4. Open this link http://www.fakenamegenerator.com in new tab and generate US unique profile.
5. Now enter all info that's required and click on Submit. Wait for 15-20 seconds and your file will be downloaded.
This is the best solution for people that doesn't have surveys in their country or they have only paid surveys.
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Download FileICE Downloader 2013 - Latest Version From HardcoreHack - Tested and working - No Survey - No Password Request !Please send me a messenger to DeSpase@gmail.com if server FileICE has been fix and then i will release a new version here!
Enjoy !