How to Recover deleted Blog ?


Your blog post could get deleted either accidentally  or someone could delete your post by hacking into  your account . At that moment a blog owner feels very bad that he/she loss his/her blog.If such accident happens with you unfortunately, no problem, it has the possibility to recover your deleted blog. Recover your deleted blog by following below methods:


First Method:

Step 1 : Sign in to Blogger.

Step 2 : Now go to your dashboard. It will show all blogs including deleted blogs.


Step 3 :  Just click on undelete option, which you want to recover.


   If your deleted blog is not showing on dashboard then go to the second method.

Second Method:

This method is applicable if you are still working on the same computer where you had prepared the post.

Step 1. Open your browser history.

Step 2. Now search where you were editing the post. Just open it when you are online.


Step 3. When you tried to open it, you saw your post will open briefly and than it turned  into an error message.


Step 4. Just click on close then copy and paste your blog in other safe location.

  Note: In case if you didn't restore your blog in the 90 days limit, then you might lose all your data.
